Morning Drop-Off Procedures
In the mornings, exit the car anywhere in front of the school.
Please do not dismiss children one at a time, because this creates an increase in traffic and prevents other students from entering the school efficiently and on time. Do not wait until your child gets all the way to the door before pulling forward. The school resource officer is there to supervise and greet the children.
Please be courteous to other drivers.
While we ask all parents to be patient, it is important that there is not a significant amount of time spent saying good-bye or gathering up belongings before exiting the car. Other parents need to get to work and the children need to get into the school. We ask that the children be ready to exit the car as soon as it comes to a complete stop. When there is a delay, cars pull around the parked car, and this creates a real safety issue.
Do not cut through parked cars when circling around the parking lot.
This has created a huge safety issue when cars cut through the parking lot, nearly running into the other cars and people exiting their parked cars.
- Children can be dropped off no earlier than 8:00 am.
- We ask that all children arrive to school close to 8:15, so they have time to unpack and get settled before the morning announcements at 8:30.
- Students will be considered late after 8:30. Parents will need to come into the office to sign in their children.
Afternoon Pick-Off Procedure
The following procedures have been developed with the safety of the children and staff in mind.
- The students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 3:10.
- They will lineup outside, before they are dismissed to their cars.
- The staff on duty will dismiss the students to the cars that are in the “loading zone.”
- When all students have entered their cars safely, they will move forward according to staff directions. Do not pull out of the “loading zone” line and around the other cars.
- The next set of cars will move into the “loading zone.” When all cars have come to a complete stop, the next set of children will be dismissed to their cars.
Additional Reminders/Things to Note…
- Any student not outside ready to go when their parent is in the loading zone, will be asked to park and come inside to pick up their child.
- Parents not in line by 3:20 will need to a park and come in for their child.
- Share dismissal procedures and updates with anyone who picks up your child.
- Follow all verbal commands and gestures of the Stinson staff to ensure the safety of all students.
Car Signs
You may have up to three signs, as we understand it might be mom, dad, or grandparents picking up your child.
Please display the sign upon arrival.
If a car does not have a sign, they will be asked to park and show ID while the office verifies the adult as a parent or an emergency contact.